FIRECOAT – the world’s first BAL-40-rated fire-retardant paint – has been successfully applied to safeguard the timber noise wall along the Newcastle Inner City Bypass near Warners Bay Road in New South Wales, Australia.

The application of FIRECOAT to this significant infrastructure site highlights a proactive approach to fire safety at a time when Australians are preparing for another bushfire season.

‘Fires exact a heavy toll on public infrastructure: they divert crucial resources for repair and replacement, disrupt local economies, and endanger natural habitats and essential services,’ said Justin Rooney, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Flame Security International, the company behind FIRECOAT.

‘Severe bushfire seasons challenge the resilience of valuable community, environmental and cultural sites, leaving no sector – be it bridges, powerlines, schools, or industries – untouched by their devastating effects.’

Newcastle Inner City Bypass timber noise wall

Gaining recognition and winning awards

FIRECOAT’s exceptional performance has not gone unnoticed. Despite only entering the Australian market in 2023, it has already garnered multiple prestigious awards and shortlists.

Newcastle Inner City Bypass timber noise wall
Newcastle Inner City Bypass timber noise wall
Newcastle Inner City Bypass timber noise wall

Learn more about FIRECOAT Exterior and how it can protect your infrastructure project. Click here to contact us today.