Exterior application guide image of a man painting FIRECOAT Exterior

FIRECOAT Exterior Application Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions and best practices for the proper application of FIRECOAT Exterior to ensure optimal performance and safety for exterior surfaces.

Interior application guide image of a man painting FIRECOAT Interior

FIRECOAT Interior Application Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions and best practices for the proper application of FIRECOAT Interior to ensure optimal performance and safety for interior surfaces.

Find out if you're in a bushfire location

State and territory authorities can help you determine whether your property is situated in a bushfire-prone area. Check if you're at risk via the links below.

Rated to BAL-40

The Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) rating system is the Australian standard for measuring the degree of a property’s risk of exposure to bushfire, whether through ember attack, radiant heat or direct flame contact. The BAL rating determines the construction and building requirements necessary to protect properties in bushfire-prone areas. There are 6 levels of BAL rating – the higher the risk, the more protection you need. BAL-Low is the lowest level of bushfire risk and Flame Zone is the highest.

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Image of the Falls Creek Ski Patrol hut with two cans of FIRECOAT in the foreground
Online event: Creating a fire-resilient future

FREE online event: Join us for a discussion on the latest in fire protection technology and their real-world applications.

Image of embers flying in a night ski
Make your home safer from ember attack

There’s a less visible element that’s often overlooked in fire protection plans, yet is the most destructive: ember attacks.

Image of a regional bushfire associated with the Australian Design Review article
How design can help build a fire-resilient future

'How design can help build a fire-resilient future', Australian Design Review by Tim McDonald, 30 January 2025.

Skynews interview with Justin Rooney
Interview with Justin Rooney about FIRECOAT

Justin Rooney discusses fire protection and the reality of wildland urban interface (WUI).

FIRECOAT Case Studies

Renovating in a bushfire prone area Renovating in a bushfire prone area case study image of a renovation to flame zone
Renovating in a bushfire prone area

One northern Sydney couple found ways to protect their newly renovated ‘forever home’ – without compromising style.

Newcastle Inner City Bypass timber noise wall
Newcastle Inner City Bypass timber noise wall

FIRECOAT – the world’s first BAL-40-rated fire-retardant paint – has been successfully applied to safeguard the timber noise wall along the Newcastle Inner City Bypass near Warners Bay Road in New South Wales, Australia.